Health At Every Size Approach Therapist in Houston, Texas
Health At Every Size Approach
Health at Every Size is a holistic approach to health and wellness that emphasizes body acceptance, intuitive eating, and joyful movement. At our therapy practice, we believe that all bodies deserve respect and care, regardless of size, and we're committed to supporting individuals on their journey towards greater well-being and self-compassion.
What is Health at Every Size?
Health at Every Size (HAES) is a weight-inclusive approach to health that focuses on promoting well-being rather than weight loss. Grounded in the principles of social justice, HAES recognizes that health is multifaceted and influenced by various factors such as genetics, environment, and social determinants of health. HAES encourages individuals to adopt sustainable lifestyle practices that prioritize self-care, body acceptance, and overall wellness, rather than pursuing restrictive diets or weight-centric goals.
How Does HAES Therapy Work?
In HAES therapy, I provide a supportive and nonjudgmental space for you to explore your relationship with food, movement, and your body. Through compassionate listening, empathy, and collaboration, clients learn to challenge internalized weight bias, heal from disordered eating patterns, and cultivate a positive body image. HAES therapy may incorporate principles of intuitive eating, body positivity, mindfulness, and self-compassion to help clients reconnect with their bodies and embrace a more balanced and joyful approach to health and wellness.
Benefits of HAES Therapy:
Promotes body acceptance and self-compassion.
Supports intuitive eating and joyful movement.
Challenges societal norms and stereotypes around body size.
Reduces stress and anxiety related to dieting and weight stigma.
Improves self-esteem and overall well-being.
Encourages a balanced and sustainable approach to health.
Is HAES Therapy Right for ME?
HAES therapy is suitable for individuals of all sizes who are seeking a compassionate and non-diet approach to health and wellness. Whether you're struggling with body image issues, disordered eating behaviors, chronic dieting, or simply seeking a more balanced and fulfilling relationship with food and your body, HAES therapy offers a supportive and empowering path towards greater well-being.